No one knows FinTech transformation, Trends and Real-Time Transactions like Endava


Endava is reimagining the relationship between people and technology. As one of the leading global IT companies whose clients are predominantly world-leading FinTech companies - Endava help to accelerate the rapid, ongoing transformation by equipping their clients with the digital tools needed to take full advantage of new business models and market opportunities.

In this exclusive interview for FinTech Connect, we spoke to Adrian Bugaian, Delivery Partner at Endava. Adrian bridges the communication between their clients and the delivery teams by managing everything from the service, shaping, delivery and handover of each project he’s involved in. Having helped so many of today’s brightest FinTech companies during their expansion - Adrian has an insider’s view on the trends and transformations taking place in the FinTech space. During the interview he told us “One thing we see a lot in APAC is the focus on digital identity” and “a major trend we see is cross-border payments; everyone wants to do a transaction in real-time and in the cross-border space”.

Key conversation highlights include:

  • A client case study example: Endava helped map all the data and data flows throughout their client’s value chain to identify where it can be used for the optimisation
  • Generation X - what changes Endava has noted from the data on their behaviour
  • The evolution in the merchant’s space and the acceleration in the adoption of XR codes
  • Connections between countries: the future for cross-border payments and the future infrastructure